· ansible chef devops

Ansible and EC2

There are a few must-haves to switch from Chef to Ansible and a few nice to haves.

So a basic application pattern would be a central server and a set of workers. To provision on EC2, we need to do a few things:

Setting up the EC2 resources is easier in ansible than in chef. A few things to note below:

This following sample on github does a few things:

The example is below:

# Basic provisioning example
- name: Create AWS resources
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
  - name: Create security group
      module: ec2_group
      name: rabbit_fw
      description: "rabbit_fw"
      region: "{{aws_region}}"
        - proto: tcp
          type: ssh
          from_port: 22
          to_port: 22
        - proto: all
          type: all
    register: rabbit_fw 

  - name: Create security group
      module: ec2_group
      name: worker_fw
      description: "worker_fw"
      region: "{{aws_region}}"
        - proto: tcp
          type: ssh
          from_port: 22
          to_port: 22
        - proto: all
          type: all
    register: worker_fw

  - debug: var=worker_fw

  - name: create rabbitmq instance
      module: ec2
      key_name: "{{key_name}}"
      region: "{{aws_region}}"
      #group_id: "{{rabbit_fw.group_id}}"
      group: [ "default", "rabbit_fw" ]
      instance_type: "{{instance_type}}"
        group: rabbit
        group: rabbit
      exact_count: 1
      image: "{{ami_id}}"
      wait: yes
    register: ec2host_rabbit

  - name: setup the internal rabbit ip script for userdata 
    local_action: template src=worker_init_script.j2 dest=/tmp/init_worker.sh
    with_items: ec2host_rabbit.tagged_instances

  - debug: var=ec2host_rabbit

  - add_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=rabbit
    with_items: ec2host_rabbit.tagged_instances

  # Can't combine these for some reason
  - name: wait for rabbit instances to listen on port:22
    wait_for: state=started host={{ item.public_ip }} port=22
    with_items: ec2host_rabbit.tagged_instances

  - name: setup the launch config for the autoscale group for workers with the user_data scripts 
      name: worker_lc
      image_id: "{{ ami_id }}"
      key_name: "{{key_name}}"
      region: "{{aws_region}}"
      security_groups: "default,worker_fw"
      instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
      user_data: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/init_worker.sh') }}"
    tags: launch_config

  - name: setup the autoscaling group 
      name: worker_asg
      health_check_period: 60
      launch_config_name: worker_lc
      min_size: 1
      max_size: 1
      region: "{{aws_region}}"
    tags: autoscale_group

- name: configure the rabbit
  hosts: rabbit
  remote_user: ubuntu
  sudo: true
    - rabbit

#- name: configure the workers
#  hosts: workers
#  remote_user: ubuntu
#  sudo: true
#  roles:
#    - worker

There are a few things to note:

The problem comes with configuring the workers with the userdata scripts. With chef, you can easily bootstrap a userdata script as outlined in this post. Also, with a master server which keeps track of ip’s, we will know the ip of the rabbit server.

Ansible is masterless, which initially was annoying, followed by being awesome, and now it is back to being annoying. There is ansible-pull which can be used to pull down a git-repo followed by executing commands. And ansible tower which we are going to firmly avoid because we wanted this to be easy and preferably free for those one-off projects that seem to happen. There’s an interesting post about using ansible with knockd. Also, if we’re going to manage thousands of hosts, we aren’t going to do it from a laptop. Essentially, we’re going to need to setup a host internally that manages groups. There’s also a project on github that tries to implement an alternative to Tower called semaphore.

There are a few ways to go about setting up a host fired up by autoscale and setting up the correct ip for rabbit:

I’m not sure which route is the best to take as of yet, but one thing for sure, Ansible Tower is too expensive for small, simple projects that require some auto-scaling.

tl;dr - ansible is working fine without search, sets up the ec2 fine, but needs a method to callback and configure workers created by autoscale group

  1. Will still need to manage the ip address of the rabbit server somehow through elastic ip’s, dns, etc. [return]
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