· jekyll hugo

Moving from Jekyll to Hugo

Amusingly enough, one of the main reasons I’m moving to Hugo is that I can’t seem to get jekyll running again and I had a few things I wanted to publish. So naturally, a migration post is necessary instead of what I was actually going to do.

One of the main benefits of having a static site is that:

However, in the case of jekyll, the last is not quite true.

So on to pick a new static site generator. For my purposes, all of the functionality is roughly the same from the top 10 generators: jekyll, gitbook, octopress, hexo, hugo, pelican, brunch, and middleman. My only decision filter is “will it ever break”? So with that, the language must be Golang and the top was Hugo.


The transition was fairly straightforward for the blog and took about an hour of reading and 3 hours of fixing post formatting.

There is a similar mapping between the two systems. Hugo uses layouts/partials while Jekyll has them under _includes.

The steps:


Time: Took about 4 hours.

Breaking changes:

New cool stuff:

All in all, a good experience and I’m hoping hugo doesn’t break in the future.

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